Scalp Micropigmentation Cost in India | Hair Loss Treatment

Scalp Micropigmentation



Scalp Micropigmentation is an innovative solution that replicates the appearance of thicker, fuller hair. Specially  applied a proprietary formula of pigment  to the scalp with micro-fine needles to create thousands of tiny impressions, giving the illusion of hair, similar to the artist’s technique of stippling. This affordable solution can also be used to enhance an existing hair restoration or provide an alternative to individuals who want a non-surgical treatment suitable for all types of hair loss.


  • Men and women wanting the appearance of added hair density.
  • People with shaved heads that desire hairline definition.
  • Who is in Alopecia sufferers.
  • Those who want to camouflage burns, scars or birthmarks.
  • Non-candidates for hair transplantation.


  • You will sit and discuss your desired hairline before the starts drawing any ideas, once you have decided the  draw a few designs until you find the perfect shape for you, bearing in mind on the first session the hairline always starts a little bit further back and will be lowered over the three sessions, this is so you have time to get used to seeing yourself with a hairline again, then you can decide exactly how low you want it for the next session.
  • The next step is choosing the pigment colour, the scalp micropigmentation  analyse your follicle colour and skin tone to chose the right pigment to start with, the pigment colour on the first session is always done a few shades lighter, so that it can be matched perfectly on the second session, however all follicles are not the same shade so having the different shades adds to the effect of the perfect illusion of a shaven head.
  • You have to understand that this treatment is a gradual procedure and is done over the three sessions, so don’t expect to the see the end result after the first session.
  • Exactly a week later you will come in for your second session, this will involve lowering the hair line if needed, also going darker with the pigment.
  • The second session focuses on adding double density giving you that full look, also focusing a lot on the blending so you can not distinguish where the real hair stops and starts.
  • A month or so later you will come in for your third session, which is to perfect the full scalp micropigmentation treatment and add any pigments which may have faded slightly.
  • After completing scalp micropigmentation sessions, you will have achieved the perfect illusion of a fully shaven head.
  • However due to the scalp micropigmentation treatment being affected by the sun light over time, you will find you’ll have to come for touch ups every 3-4 years to maintain that fresh new look.


  • Scalp Micropigmentation will give you a look of a full head of hair, just after a fresh – close cut hairstyle.
  • No one will notice that it is an ink treatment, you can return to work the day after your procedure and people will think you look great, but they will have no idea that you underwent treatment.
  • There are a wide range of reasons you may be looking into Scalp Micropigmentation as your hair loss solution.
  • Each with differing reasons and causes of hair loss. Whatever the reason, Scalp Micropigmentation is your best option.
  • One of the many advantages of scalp micropigmentation is how widely usable it is. Hair thinning and balding, despite often being associated with older people and mostly men, affects all sorts of people, so it is to be expected that a wide range of sufferers want an effective solution to their problem.



Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the best candidate for scalp micropigmentation?
How long does scalp micropigmentation last?
What is scalp micropigmentation?
How long does scalp micropigmentation take?
Is scalp micropigmentation safe?

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