Laser White Stretch Mark Reduction & Removals Treatment

Stretch Mark Reduction

Stretch Mark

Stretch mark reduction procedure gives the skin and abdomen a flatter and firmer look. A tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure that not only stretch mark reduction, but also removes excess skin and fat from your abdomen.

What Are Stretch Marks? And Why Do I Have Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are a sign that your body moved too quickly for your skin to catch up. Stretch marks typically appear when your skin is stretched so suddenly that it doesn’t have time to produce enough collagen to accommodate the new area it must cover.

Fresh Stretch marks may look reddish, pink, or have a purple-blue tone. Over time, stretch marks tend to become thinner and paler, but they rarely fade on their own without treatment.

Stretch Marks May Be Caused By

  • Childhood growth spurts.
  • Sudden weight gain.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Breast implants.
  • Increased muscle mass (bodybuilding).
  • Steroids.
  • Conditions such as Cushing’s syndrome or Marfan syndrome.
  • Genetics.

What Parts Of The Body Get Stretch Marks?

  • Shoulders.
  • Arms.
  • Back.
  • Breasts.
  • Abdomen.
  • Torso.
  • Buttocks.
  • Hips.

Is There Downtime After PRP

  • Some inflammation, redness & numbess of scalp may be present for several hrs.
  • No coloring treatment performed for 72 hrs.
  • There no activity restriction often a PRP.
  • Patient may shower, shampoo and condition their hair. Normally just several hrs. After the treatment & resume normal activities.
  • Use topical hair growth treatments line minoxidil or similar can resume the next day.

Clinical Methods For Stretch Mark Reduction

1. Topical Treatment for Stretch Marks
Topical treatment is far the most popular ways of treating Stretch marks today.
This includes stretch mark creams, oils, and lotions.

2. Laser therapy remove stretch marks
The Icon uses short pulses of laser light to target old and damaged tissue. Your body then eliminates the destroyed cells through your lymph system. This process stimulates your skin to build healthy new collagen, improving the look and feel of your skin.

What happens during a laser stretch mark reduction procedure?

During a laser therapy session, your medical provider will use a beam of light to extract layers of skin within the affected area.

The laser machine uses high energy ultra violet light to disrupt the molecular bonds of the skin tissues.

This causes the tissue to disintegrate in a process known as ablation.
After the therapy is complete, the treated area is left to heal and new layers of the skin form.

The stretch marks will disappear in the process and a new healthy skin will grow.

3. Microdermabrasion for Stretch Mark Removal:

Microdermabrasion is relatively a new medical procedure of exfoliating the outer layer of the skin.

This medical procedure is non-invasive and chemical free.

It is done using a concentrated spray of crystals and rougher materials that can cause some friction on the skin without peeling it off.

Microdermabrasion can also be done with a specialized gadget, which has a suction mechanism to remove the exfoliated skin right away on the spot.

The technique removes the outer shell of the skin, leaving anything deeper intact.

Apart from reducing stretch marks, microdermabrasion can be done to lessen the appearance of skin discolorations, acne scars, age spots and wrinkles.

What are the advantages of stretch mark reduction treatments?

  • Fast treatment time.
  • Little to no discomfort.
  • Little to no downtime.
  • Dramatic improvement in the look of your stretch marks.
  • Healthier looking skin on treatment area.

4. Chemical Peels:

Chemical peels are generally used on the face for treating wrinkles and age spots, but they can be used on other areas of the body for stretch mark removal.

During treatment, an acidic solution is applied to the skin by using a sponge, cotton pad, cotton swab or brush.

To peel off the top layers of the damaged, dead skin and encourages skin regeneration.

Type and strength of chemicals used for treatment may vary according to your level of stretch mark being treated, but there are three main types that exist today.

5. Platelet Rich Plasma(PRP):

Platelet Rich Plasma contains highly concentrated amount of signal protein which consists of platelets, white blood cells and adult stem cells.

Injection of PRP to the damaged site will help generate the production of collagen and elastin, triggering skin repair.

It is often accompanied with Micro-Needling to support healing and rejuvenation in the underlying dermis as well as treating the surface layer of the skin.


Frequently Asked Questions

What parts of the body get stretch marks?
What are the advantages of stretch mark reduction treatments?
What happens during a laser stretch mark reduction procedure?
How long does laser stretch mark treatment take?
How many treatment sessions will I need?

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