Dermal Filler Treatment Cost | Before & After Dermal Filler

Dermal Filler

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are generally used in facial aesthetics to counter, add volume or plump up areas. Where wrinkle & folds have appeared due to ageing or scaring.

Patient can get this treatment during an office visit. They can return to everyday activities immediately after getting most fillers.

They are gel line substance that are injected beneath  the skin to restore.

  1. Volume to sunken cheeks.
  2. Smooth out line around nose & mouth.
  3. Dimension vertical lip lines.
  4. Plump & enhance the lips.
  5. Smooth out a chin creasy.
  6. Zonproue symmetry among facial feature.

What Are Dermal Filling Made With ?

1. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) –
HA Fillers are soft & gel line results are temporary. Cutting 6 to 12 months or longer.
FOA approved HA fillers include:
A) Juvederm products.
B) Restylare products.
C) Belotero Balance.
2. Calcium Hydroxyl apatite (CAHA) –
Filler is thicker than HA filler & like smooth gel last longer about 12 months. It helps to stimulate natural collagen modulation & it is used for deeper lines & wrinkles. It includes Radiuses.
3. Poly –L-Lactic Acid –
It is collagen stimulators as their main mechanism to smooth fine lines is by helping your skin rebuild natural collagens. The fillers get itself dissipates a few days after treatment. It is used to treat deeper facial wrinkles & results our last more than 2 years. It includes sculpture aesthetic.
4. Polymethyl methacrylate (PAMA) –
In dermal fillers PMMA takes the form of a “microsphere” or tiny balls that remains beneath the skin indefinitely to provide continued support.
It contain collagen, a naturally occurring substance in the skin that provide structural firmness.
5. Auto logous fat injection (Facial fat grafting) –
It require surgery but results can last for many years your own fat is harvested from another area using liposuction.
The fact is then purified & injected into face to help restore volume to temple, cheeks, lower eyelid or other area.
6. Injectable Filler Treatment –
Filler product also contain lidocaive amid anesthetic which intended to help minimize discomfort airing & after your treatment.
Your provider will inject a precise amount of filler beneath the skin you should be able to notice results immediately. After receiving injection some patient experience bruising & swelling but these are temporary.

Before Your Dermal Fillers Treatment

  • Avoid blood thinning medication such as aspirn or abuprofen one week prior to injection.
  • Avoid suppliments including prime rose oil, garlic, vitamin E or Gingko biloba one week prior two injection.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hr prior.
  • Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing or hair remover cream on the area to be treated for two days prior.
  • Avoid topical products such as tretinoin glycolic acid or any anti aging products for two days prior.
  • Do not dermal fillers if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • And allergic to any ingredients or suffering from neurological disorders.

After Your Dermal Fillers Treatment

  • Avoid itching, massaging or picking around the injection site. This is normal and generally disappears within up few hr to view days.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol strenuous exercise, intence heat includes sun bathing tanning hot tubs or hot wax.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, avoid green tea.
  • Sunscreen and make up can be applied and you may use a gental cleanser on the area.


Frequently Asked Questions

What should i do before your dermal fillers treatment?
What should i do after your dermal fillers treatment?
What are the risks of dermal fillers?
How long will my results last?
How often can you get dermal fillers?

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